God heard you the moment you cried out to Him (see Daniel 10:10-14 for reference). But for some reason your answers have been delayed. Maybe you’ve asked your mentors, or other friends in the Lord what that means and not gotten a clear answer. Well let me tell you…I don’t know what that means for you either…So what do you do in the meantime?–
“But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
There is a renewal of strength available to us, but the question is are we willing to wait for it to happen in our lives? My recommendation to you is that you wait on the Lord (Yes wait some more). And while you’re waiting on THAT THING to happen (you know what it is), get started with what you already have in your hands, within your grasp, inside your span of influence. Let’s do better together. God bless you today, and every day!
Author, speaker, musician DEREK E. EURALES, Jr., loves to share his faith, motivation, and music. His book, Principles of Christian Living, has become a “must read” for believers of all ages. To order your copy, click here.
In the past, I was really impatient and would not wait on the Lord and in return, it always turned out a mess, a mistake, a misfortune, something bad. Once I realized that I should wait (and wait I did) the outcome was perfect. Unfortunately God had me to wait till the very last minute and I thought He was not gonna come through but HE DID.
Has He always answere my prayers the way I wanted? NO. But He always answered them in the way that was best for ME. Daddy know’s me so well.
Amen Meridian,
Thank you for your testimony. God knows and sees the best in us, even when others only see the worst. So our hope must remain in Him because His mercy will endure the test of time. Be well!